In the quest for competitive advantage, businesses today are turning to innovative technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI). Among the various applications of AI, its role in enhancing marketing efforts has been particularly noteworthy. But how can AI impact marketing? To answer this question, we embarked on an exploratory journey, co-creating this article with OpenAI’s language model, ChatGPT.

Step 1: Start with a Basic Text or Article

Our journey started with an article from Business Insider about how the marketing industry is using AI to save time and boost productivity. According to a study by Bynder, a digital asset management platform, more than 55% of clients are using AI to automate tasks, with 54% of them using the tech to generate initial drafts for conten. This piqued our curiosity about the various ways AI is being utilized in marketing.

Step 2: Ask ChatGPT to Write a Blog About It

We then fed this information to ChatGPT and asked it to write a blog about AI in marketing. The AI model generated a draft that outlined how AI is being used to generate content, enhance SEO, optimize content, improve spelling and grammar, paraphrase information, brainstorm ideas, develop company branding, and automate time-consuming tasks.

Step 3: Read the Blog with Curiosity and Identify Questions

As we read through the initial draft, we found ourselves asking more questions. How are real businesses applying these AI tools in their marketing efforts? How is AI expected to impact the future of marketing?

Step 4: Find Answers to These Questions

To find answers, we conducted more research and engaged ChatGPT in a dialogue to further enhance the blog. We discovered examples of businesses and individuals integrating AI tools like ChatGPT into their marketing efforts to maximize productivity. For instance, Peggy Dean, an artist who runs a ChatGPT course on Skillshare, uses the AI chatbot to enhance her SEO practices and write product descriptions. Similarly, Jacqueline DeStefano-Tangorra, the founder of a boutique consulting firm, has used ChatGPT to create marketing materials and generate personalized business proposals.

We also found that the future of AI in marketing is expected to include more advanced tasks like personalizing website content based on an individual’s browsing history or building chatbots that can help visitors navigate through websites.

Step 5: Ask ChatGPT to Integrate the New Information into the Blog

Next, we asked ChatGPT to integrate these new insights into our blog, leading to a more comprehensive and insightful article.

Step 6: Repeat the Process Until Satisfied

We repeated this process of curiosity-driven exploration, question identification, research, and co-creation with ChatGPT until we were satisfied with our final article.


The utilization of AI in marketing is transforming the industry. Its applications are diverse, ranging from automating tasks and generating content drafts to personalizing website content and building chatbots. However, it is essential to remember that AI should be used in a managed or controlled way to enable human creativity, not hamper it.

The co-creation process we employed in writing this article, involving an iterative dialogue with an AI model, mirrors the broader trend of human-AI collaboration in marketing and other fields. As AI continues to evolve and improve, such synergies between human creativity and AI capabilities will likely play an increasingly central role in various industries, including marketing.

Bynder’s chief marketing officer, Warren Daniels, has perhaps said it best: “It’s vital businesses don’t look to replace human creativity with AI. AI should be embedded into existing processes and viewed as a mechanic to free up time for teams to focus on more creative tasks”. This statement not only encapsulates the vision for AI in marketing but also reflects the spirit of our co-creative process in writing this article. We started with an idea, iteratively built upon it with the assistance of AI, and arrived at insights that we hope will be valuable to our readers.

As AI continues to grow and evolve, the possibilities for its application in marketing and other industries are endless. But regardless of how advanced AI becomes, it should always be viewed as a tool to enhance human creativity and productivity, rather than as a replacement for human ingenuity. In this way, we can ensure that AI serves us, rather than the other way around.

In our journey of exploring AI’s role in marketing, we not only gleaned valuable insights but also experienced first-hand the power of AI in enhancing creative processes. Co-creating this article with ChatGPT, we could delve deeper into our subject, ask questions, seek answers, and produce a comprehensive piece that we hope provides value to our readers.

In conclusion, the rise of AI in marketing is not just about automation and efficiency. It’s about enhancing creativity, gaining deeper insights, and ultimately, delivering more value to the end customer. As we continue to explore and understand this evolving landscape, we look forward to more such co-creation journeys with AI, each one taking us a step further into the future of marketing.

This a post from Marc Roelofs. Visit the website here.


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